Sacred Place

Sakya monastery

Buddhist monks playing a tibetan flute inside Sakya monastery, Tibet
Sergio Capuzzimati on Unsplash


Sakya Monastery is a spiritual sanctuary surrounded by the mysterious Himalayas and permeated with the majestic atmosphere of ancient wisdom. Situated at an altitude of over 4,300 meters above sea level, in the heart of Tibet, this monastery is one of the most significant centers of Buddhism in the world.

The history of Sakya Monastery began to be written more than 1000 years ago, when it was founded by the great scientist Sakya Pandit. Since then, the monastery has become a spiritual center and place of study for thousands of Buddhist monks and scholars. Its renowned curriculum explores both the fundamentals of Buddhism and the deeper aspects of Tantric philosophy.

Architecturally, the monastery stands out for its colorful roofs and walls, decorated with images of Buddhas and bodhisattvas, as well as numerous mandalas and mantras. Its sacred halls house valuable artifacts, ancient texts, and precious relics, each carrying ancient wisdom and power.

A visit to the Sakya Monastery is not just a journey into the ancient past, but also an opportunity to plunge into the world of spiritual knowledge and enlightenment. Monastic prayers, solemn rituals and meditations meet here, creating an atmosphere of deep peace and contemplation.

For many pilgrims and seekers of truth, the Sakya Monastery becomes a place where they find answers to their questions and inspiration for the soul. Its wisdom and mystical atmosphere attract people from all over the world to honor it as a holy place and deepen their spiritual practices.