Trip planner

Let’s plan your trip together with the Trip Planner below

How it works?

  • Tell us about you!

    Which places and when do you want to visit? What are your styles and your preferences? Are you accompanied?

  • We work our magic

    With all of this information, our local connections and our intimate knowledge of the region our designers fashion a unique vacation of a lifetime for you. Soon you’ll receive a detailed itinerary that contains the story of your next holiday. What if you wanted to add or change something at this point? Don’t worry, flexibility is our middle name–we are committed to making sure you get the trip you desire down to the last detail.

  • Voila! Enjoy your trip of a lifetime!

    The day has arrived!

Your places

Would you like us to break new ground? Or would you like to go to an established Nomad's Land destination? Your global options are listed here.

Your dates

When would you like to travel and for how long? Do you have a particular date in mind or would you like to use an existing trip date?

Your Style

We have a number of different trip styles to cater to your travel preferences. Do you prefer a five-star epic luxury or a cozy and quaint three-star explorer experience? Interested in multiple sports, wine tastings or do you just want to ride like the pros?

Discovery: Cultural programs without or with limited physical activity

Discovery+: Ideal for one-day hikes lovers and active discovery of a country

Trekking: Perfect for a total immersion out of time in the nature and the nomadic culture, daily walk or ride 4 to 6 hours

Trekking Summit: Ideal for travellers who want a real physical challenge, an adventure of a lifetime, daily walk or ride 6 to 8 hours, without or with peak's ascent

Horseriding experienced: Tick it if you are already horseriding experienced, so that we could adapt the horses you need for the level you have

Backpacker Economy class, with public transportation, hostels and intern guide

Comfort: The standard Nomad's Land recipe providing the best service for the best price

Comfort ++: The best choice if you want to discover Central Asia in the most relaxing way, with 3*** hotels, comfortable cars, porters during the treks

Luxe: Perfect for a honeymoon, discover Central Asia in the most exclusive way, with outstanding comfort and still within the Nomad's Land genuine spirit

Your recipe

This is where the real fun begins! Our Trip Designers work with you to add the right ingredients to satisfy your group. Perhaps Christine wants to ride a little and John wants to ride a lot? Rick is passionate about architecture, but Michelle wants to enjoy a spa? Anything is possible!

Your People

Let us know who and how many people will be traveling with you. John, Susan and a few more couples? Celebrating your 50th?

Your Contact

Tell us how to reach you

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