Flora and Fauna in Kazakstan

The country’s flora and fauna are represented by various species of rare and unique animals and plants, many of which are entered in the Red Book.

About six thousand of plant species vegetate in Kazakhstan, about 500 species of birds, 178 species of animals, 49 species of reptiles, 12 species of amphibians may be encountered in its spaciousness and about 100 species of fishes – in the rivers and lakes.

There are juniper forests and alpine meadows there, apple trees and walnuts are growing in the gorges. 

The Kazakh steppes present an impressive and absorbing sight. One can meet there several hundreds of bird species. One of the rarest and most beautiful bird species - pink flamingos.     

The mammals are distinguished with:

  • the snow leopard,
  • brown bear,
  • Siberian ibex.

The deserts of Kazakhstan are inhabited by goitered gazelles and jerboas as well as vipers - a terror of deserts. In addition to them another 16 species of snakes were found in the territory of Kazakhstan.